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Vol 23 (2024)
Table of Contents
- Research Article
The Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy in the Relationship Between Procrastination and Test Anxiety Among Second-Year Students of College of Allied Health Sciences in PHINMA University of Pangasinan PDF Trisha Joy Caramat, Precious Shemaiah Obtinalla, Jeslyn Sison, Eunice Cardaño, Rockwell Alexsan Abrera, Kimberly Bacorro Procrastination and text anxiety are two of the most prevalent ongoing matters that hinder the academic performance of students. Self-efficacy, on the other hand, plays a crucial role in performing academic tasks. The goal of this research is to shed light on a crucial but understudied aspect of student behavior by investigating how the level of academic self-efficacy can influence the link between procrastination and test anxiety. To address this gap, researchers employed a cross-sectional-explanatory design as proposed by Johnson (2001) and conducted mediation analysis following Baron and Kenny’s framework of mediation analysis. The sample for this study consisted of 321 second-year students at the College of Allied Health Sciences Department of PHINMA University of Pangasinan. The study’s data were collected through self-report questionnaires, including the Academic Procrastination Scale (McCloskey, 2011), Westside Test Anxiety Scale (WTAS), and General Academic Self-Efficacy (GASE). The researchers’ findings showed a positive correlation between procrastination and academic self-efficacy, suggesting that students who engage in procrastination may possess greater confidence in their academic performance. Additionally, the researchers also identified a negative correlation between procrastination and test anxiety, indicating that procrastination may be linked to lower levels of test anxiety. Moreover, a negative correlation between test anxiety and academic self-efficacy is associated with reduced test anxiety. Mediation analysis also showed that self-efficacy was fully mediated by procrastination and test anxiety. The researchers stress the need for further research to understand the intricate dynamics of strategies to enhance academic self-efficacy. - Research Article
Attitude and Readiness of Teachers to Impart Value Education: Exploring Teachers’ Experiences and Views from a Private School in Sharjah PDF Sawsan Haj Abdul Kader, Solomon Arulraj David This research sought to examine teachers' attitudes and readiness towards imparting value education at a private school in Sharjah. The research was guided by four questions, investigating the attitudes and readiness of teachers to impart value education, perceptions of teachers' attitudes in recent research, teachers' own attitudes and readiness, and their experiences and views towards imparting value education. The population under study were the employees working in a Private school in Sharjah. The school has a total population of 150 primary teachers in the two schools. The researcher employed purposive sampling, a type of non-probability sampling, to select participants from the community for the quantitative research study from which 107 responses were received. The findings from the quantitative data revealed that the majority of teachers have a positive attitude towards teaching value education and feel comfortable, satisfied, and confident in doing so. These themes included the necessity of collaboration and partnerships, the call for extensive teacher training and professional development, the integration of value education across all subjects, the utilization of technology and resources, the importance of practical examples and real-life contexts, the promotion of moral and ethical standards, and the awareness of mental health. The study's findings provide insights for schools in UAE and beyond, informing strategies to enhance the effective teaching of value education. The findings underline the importance of comprehensive teacher training, collaborative efforts among educators, and the integration of technology and real-life contexts in teaching. It also highlights the need to consider the moral, ethical, and mental health aspects of education.
- Research Article
The Intersection between Revenue Allocation and Economic Drive and Development in Nigeria since 1999 PDF Sunday Moses Adebayo Aloko, Nathaniel John Odoh, Ahmed Ibrahim Nigeria, a country abundant in natural resources located in West Africa, has encountered significant obstacles in effectively generating, managing, and utilizing revenue to foster sustainable economic growth and development, since the termination of military rule in 1999. This study delves into the impact of revenue allocation on Nigeria’s economic progress following the restoration of democratic governance in 1999. It scrutinizes the various revenue allocation mechanisms implemented before and during this period and evaluates their efficacy in advancing economic development in Nigeria. Against this backdrop, critical economic indicators such as Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth, poverty rates, employment levels, and infrastructure development were scrutinized to ascertain whether the revenue allocation system adopted during Nigeria’s uninterrupted democratic rule has enhanced the country’s economic advancement. The historical research methodology was adopted, which involved the collection, analysis and corroboration of primary and secondary research data. The study finds out that despite the clear aspiration for economic development, sustainable development has not been achieved. This disappointing outcome is a result of poor planning, misallocation of resources, lack of people-oriented policies, transparency/accountability, political will, the prevalence of corruption, over-reliance on petroleum resources, and over-concentration of power at the center. These factors have undermined initiatives and innovations at the component units, leading to an increase in poverty levels, unemployment, and social inequalities. To address these issues, the paper recommends decongesting power from the center to promote competition and increase in revenue generation at the component units. Additionally, the enactment and implementation of policies that put Nigerians first, needs to be prioritized.
- Research Article
Adam Smith on Value-Based Vocational Education and Training PDF Andreas Pawlas Often Adam Smith is associated with value-free economic logic. Consequently, vocational training alone would have the character of a professional investment. On the other hand, there is the concept of value-based vocational training, although its aspects are controversial. With Adam Smith the (religious) commitment to values in professional training is self-evident, which becomes clear, for example, in the emphasis on the sense of duty and the admonition to adhere to the 7th commandment. Even though Smith does not use the word “vocation”, his use of the term “profession” shows how much he is influenced by the Reformation and the belief in the probation of human life in everyday life and in the family. And for Smith it is obviously self-evident too that the moral values that are necessary today to build a prosperous economy and counteract the dangers of the modern division of labor must first be anchored and cultivated there - before it becomes an important task for schools and universities.
- Research Article
Tourists’ Awareness and Perception of Indigenous Foods and Beverages in Jos Metropolis, Plateau State Nigeria PDF D.Y. Orga, Dalhatu Angela The study assessed tourists’ awareness and perception of indigenous foods and beverages in Jos metropolis in Plateau State Nigeria. Three objectives achieved by the study; to identify indigenous foods and beverage, awareness of indigenous foods and beverages and tourists’ perception of indigenous foods and beverages in Jos metropolis. This study used survey research design. Study population consisted of estimated two hundred (200) tourists and used Krejcie and Morgan sample size table to select sample size of one hundred and Thirty-two (132) tourists (respondents). Structured questionnaires were developed and administered among the one hundred and thirty-two (132) tourists (respondents) randomly selected during the study period in Jos metropolis to gather data from the tourists. In some cases interviews were conducted alongside the administration of the structured questionnaires where necessary, as a mean of assisting the respondents to understand the content of the questions and be interested in the exercise. Descriptive statistics such as mean were used to present the data. Mean (x) values were used. Thus, mean was used to measure tourists’ awareness and perception: a mean score of 3.5 and above indicates positive or accepted and mean score of below 3.5 indicates negative or rejected. The study identified indigenous foods and beverages, and tourists are aware of indigenous foods and beverages in Jos metropolis which include Gwate, Tuwon Acha, Tuwon Dawa, Naman Ridi, Kwado Rizga, Kunun Tamba, Kunun Acha, Kunun Zaki, Bwerik hwass’ and Mwos, or Burkutu. Tourists Perception of indigenous foods and beverages in Jos metropolis is positive. The study recommended that indigenous foods and beverages should be available at all times of the day to clients/tourists, and restaurant employees need appropriate training to increase their capacity to deliver prompt foods and beverages to tourists and curtail delays.
- Research Article
Applying Bourdieu’s Analysis of Children’s World through the New Sociology of Childhood PDF Indrani Choudhuri Research with children was always under question, until the new social studies of childhood emerged. Children, who used to be seen as unimportant parts of research, are now seen as important as adults. French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu, have introduced the concepts of Field, capital and Habitus among us. It is worth seeing, that if these work among children as well. The primary objective of this project is to examine the concept of Bourdieusian analysis of Habitus and capitals in children’s world, how they are depicted in children’s own versions, how they are different from the adults, how they design their own society, how they combat with adult versions of thinking etc; with a comparison between children belonging to middle class and lower class. Children's narratives reveal the significant impact of capitals and habituses on their lives, with differences based on family economic position. Children express pleasure, anger, love, happiness, and grievance, generating different types of capitals in various fields. The Bengali ethnicity is expressed as symbolic capital in their habitus. Children's tastes and cultural capitals create distinctions and set their position among adults and peer groups.